Betty Ganley has won over 80 awards for her vibrant watercolor paintings, and as a result of international competitions has paintings featured in 8 major art books, as well as several major art magazines, including International Artist and Australian Artist magazines.

Summer's Calling
25 3/4 x 20, matted watercolor
While exploring a back road on Cape Cod, I came across Arey's Pond. The rather large 'pond" appeared at the base of the boat builders ramp, just brimming with custom made cat boats, each drifting and housed in their colorful "tents" and sails, and each bobbing alongside a bright red buoy. The water was quite still resulting in joyous color and perfect reflections. The artist in me just gaped, mesmerized at the unexpected beauty. Isn't that the purpose of those back roads? That wonderful surprise happened to be responsible for several joyful days of painting and many wonderful watercolor paintings.